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Hormone Replacement Therapy and Its Effect on Weight Loss

Explore how hormone replacement therapy can contribute to weight loss, improve overall health, and enhance your wellbeing in this comprehensive guide.

September 7, 2023
Medically-reviewed and fact checked by Ryan Lester, PA-C

Do you encounter challenges in losing weight despite your consistent efforts? Hormonal changes may be a possible cause.

Hormone optimization might just be what's necessary to unlock your weight-loss potential.

In this article, we'll look into hormone therapy for weight loss, along with its role as an aid toward meeting fitness and health objectives.

Are you exploring hormone optimization as an option? Read this to understand how testosterone can help you maintain lean muscle and shed fat as you age.

Hormone replacement therapy can affect your weight

How Can Hormones Affect My Weight?

Hormones play an enormous role in how much we eat, weigh, and function as individuals. Hormones like testosterone, insulin, estrogen, and cortisol play an integral role in our wellbeing by helping manage metabolism, appetite, and body composition.

As they get older, men and women may see their hormone levels diminish and thus make weight-loss efforts difficult, specifically those targeting abdominal fat.

Hormonal imbalance has become more widespread due to factors like poor diet, sleep, exercise along with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals found in the environment. These chemicals such as BPA, phthalates, and parabens are commonly found in plastics and everyday household products such as deodorants, lotions, soaps, and cleaning supplies. Hormonal imbalances may have serious repercussions for health often leading to weight gain, loss of muscle, blood sugar dysfunction, and decreased bone mass.

If you are experiencing difficulty staying in good health and maintaining an ideal body weight, you may have a hormone imbalance. Finding out where an imbalance is present and rectifying it can play a big role in your health journey.


As an essential hormone, testosterone plays an integral part in men and women’s overall health and well-being. 

Men over forty often experience a natural decline in testosterone levels with age. Low levels may result in a loss of lean muscle mass, reduced energy, mood, motivation, and sexual function. The loss of lean muscle may lead to blood sugar spikes (aka insulin resistance) which can lead to type 2 diabetes. This along with poor diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management can increase one’s risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, dementia, and cancer.

In women, testosterone plays an important role in general motivation, libido, sexual function, lean muscle mass, fat accumulation, and the youthful appearance of skin, hair, and nails.

Men and women should work closely with healthcare providers on methods for maintaining optimal testosterone levels when looking to maintain a healthy weight and promote longevity.


Hyperinsulinemia, defined by elevated levels of insulin in your blood, often leads to unwanted fat storage and insulin resistance in which tissues can no longer efficiently use glucose (blood sugar) for energy. As a result more insulin is required in order to achieve adequate levels of glucose within your system.

Excess circulating insulin hinders lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat. In short, when insulin levels are chronically elevated, the body goes into fat storing mode.

Even with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, insulin resistance could thwart efforts at weight loss in older adults, leading to additional pounds gained that will prove more challenging than expected. 


Cortisol, the “stress hormone”, is produced by adrenal glands and plays an important role in metabolic function.

As part of the fight or flight - sympathetic nervous system, cortisol plays an essential part in our survival by giving us extra energy when needed most. Under pressure or when threatened, cortisol levels quickly spike so we can act swiftly when necessary to fight or flee from encounters or threats that arise. It also plays a crucial role in pain tolerance and cognition.

However, excessive release or prolonged exposure can promote fat accumulation and muscle breakdown which can lead to elevated blood sugar and inflammation.

Chronically elevated cortisol can often increase appetite by prompting cravings for sweet, salty, or greasy food; weaken immunity making us susceptible to illness; reduce energy levels causing fatigue, as well as many other negative effects.

Hormone replacement therapy can help you maintain a healthy weight

Why Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy to Aid Weight Loss?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be an effective weight-loss strategy for many. Not only can HRT balance hormones and relieve symptoms, but it can promote a more youthful state. With that comes more energy and motivation to exercise which often leads to better sleep and recovery. These lifestyle improvements along with the metabolic benefits accompanied by an increase in lean muscle mass, can have a synergistic cascade leading to fat loss. 

With numerous types of HRT available on the market today, make sure you are choosing a treatment that is backed by science and utilizes a team of medical professionals. Wellcore offers an effective and convenient treatment plan that doesn’t require trips to the doctor.

How Else Can I Shed Extra Weight?

If you are struggling to shed excess weight, identifying all possible obstacles that might be impeding progress could be essential to reaching your goal. Hormone levels, nutritional choices, sleep, exercise, and stress management all play vital roles in shaping how your journey unfolds.

Nutrition - Ensure the amount of calories you’re consuming each day is appropriate for your activity level. Focusing on adequate high quality protein intake, first and foremost, is required to maintain or increase lean muscle mass which is one of the foundational pillars of healthy aging. Consuming a diet that is low in refined sugar, high in fiber from fruits and vegetables, and high in monounsaturated fats like avocados, almonds, and olive oil will maximize blood sugar regulation, gut health, and appetite control. 

Sleep - High quality sleep is crucial at achieving optimal body composition and metabolic health. Here are some of the most effective strategies at improving your sleep quality.

  1. Give yourself at least an 8 hour sleep opportunity (time in bed) each night.
  2. Maintain a consistent wake up and bedtime routine. Even on the weekends.
  3. Avoid consuming any calories or alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime.
  4. Avoid over stimulating or stressful tasks or interactions within 2 hours of bedtime (social media, exercise, email, stressful discussions, video games).
  5. Limit exposure to blue light within 2 hours of bedtime (TV, mobile devices, home lights - particularly LED lights).
  6. Get 10-20 minutes of exposure to sunlight (without sunglasses) first thing in the morning.
  7. If you are tired, try to avoid napping throughout the day. Although sometimes difficult, this can help reset your circadian rhythm more quickly.

Exercise is our most potent tool to slow the aging process and reduce the most common and often preventable chronic diseases including obesity. The amount of lean muscle mass that you are able to maintain or increase as you age is one of the best predictors of health and longevity.

#1 Rule of Exercise - Don’t Get Hurt

If you are over the age of 40, we recommend an exercise routine with at least a 2 to 1 ratio of strength training to cardiovascular endurance training.

The intensity with which you exercise matters.  Your strength training routine should focus on the big muscles of the upper (back, chest, core, arms) and lower body (glutes, hamstrings, quads). Using a classic framework of push, pull, hinge, cross-crawl, and squat will help you design a program that utilizes all of the main human motor programs.

Your time spent doing cardiovascular endurance training should be broken down into equal parts of low and high intensity work, ideally 2-3 hours total per week. Be sure to warm up and cool down appropriately.

Wrapping Up

Hormone replacement therapy, along with improving nutrition, sleep, and exercise might provide just what's needed to combat weight problems when all else has failed. 

Wellcore's hormone replacement therapy offers a safe and cost-effective means of restoring hormonal balance and improving overall health. 

Our comprehensive guide explores how HRT can aid weight loss, improve health and increase well-being. With tailored treatment plans designed specifically to address individual concerns and optimize hormone levels for maximum wellness, our specialists work alongside you for impactful care. Get started with our At-Home Assessment Kit and be on your way to re-discover the best version of yourself.


Join millions of men and women who are improving their health by ordering the Wellcore At-Home Assessment Kit today.

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