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Do Cigars Increase Testosterone? Here Is the Truth

Explore the relationship between cigars and testosterone levels, as we delve into the science behind the smoke and debunk common myths about cigars and their impact on hormonal health.

July 21, 2023
Medically-reviewed and fact checked by Ryan Lester, PA-C

Cigars have long been associated with masculinity and power — think Winston Churchill with his legendary cigar. Many cigar enthusiasts claim they experience increased energy and sexual desire after enjoying a smoke session. However, is there any truth to the notion that smoking cigars increases testosterone levels among male smokers?

In this article, we'll investigate research about cigars and testosterone levels, exploring both benefits and risks of smoking cigars. If you're passionate about cigars or simply curious to understand how smoking affects hormone levels, this piece thoroughly examines current research in this field.

Box of cigars

Do Cigars Increase Testosterone Levels?

Jamin V. Brahmbhatt, MD, a board-certified urologist with Orlando Health, states that smoking may temporarily increase testosterone levels through its stress response mechanism; this temporary increase may mislead some into thinking cigars and cigarettes provide long-term testosterone benefits, but that couldn't be further from reality.

Long-term smoking not only reduces testosterone levels but can have additional unwelcome ramifications. Increased risks for chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, and premature mortality are just three outcomes of the consistent use of cigars or cigarettes. 

If you want a legitimate boost for your testosterone levels, there are more effective and trustworthy solutions than using cigarettes or cigars to increase it. Consider healthy lifestyle options like improved nutrition, proper sleep hygiene and physical fitness programs to naturally balance out hormone levels without incurring additional harm.

Does Smoking Decrease Testosterone Levels?

Smoking has long been associated with various health concerns and diseases, yet it was recently linked with higher testosterone levels!

An International Journal of Andrology study from 2001 demonstrated that male participants who smoked had significantly greater testosterone levels than nonsmokers: 15% higher total T levels and 13% more free testosterone, respectively.

Preventive Medicine published a 2015 review that alluded to male smokers having slightly elevated testosterone levels compared to nonsmokers. 

However, these are observational studies that cannot prove a causative relationship.  These certainly don’t imply that smoking is healthy; given its link with cancer and other serious medical problems, organizations such as the American Lung Association recommend against it entirely.

Decisions concerning whether or not one should begin smoking should always be carefully considered. Consider both potential risks and benefits before making a definitive choice.

Cigar Smoking is Associated with Serious Health Risks

The American Lung Association recently sounded the alarm about potential health effects associated with cigar smoking. Cigars contain toxic and carcinogenic chemicals similar to cigarettes, making them no less hazardous despite their appealing packaging or flavors.

People who smoke cigars heavily or inhale deeply can face serious health hazards, including lung, oral cavity, larynx, esophageal cancer, cardiovascular risk factors, and COPD.

As an answer to this threat, the American Lung Association strongly advocates for regulation by the Food and Drug Administration on all tobacco products (including cigars).

On May 5, 2016, this authority was extended to cover all forms of cigars, reinforcing the importance of responsible labeling and marketing practices to safeguard public health — particularly among vulnerable youth populations — from potentially hazardous products.

Why Smoking to Improve Testosterone is Unsuccessful

Smoking to increase testosterone is generally discouraged as its adverse side effects may go beyond increasing testosterone levels temporarily. Studies have demonstrated that smoking may reduce semen volume, count, and quality, leading to possible fertility problems and loss.

Active smoking reduces nitric oxide levels in smokers, potentially making it more challenging to achieve an erection and leading to long-term health implications that would likely lower testosterone levels regardless.

Instead of turning to smoke as an instant fix for testosterone deficiencies, healthier sources offer safer and more effective solutions, such as increasing vitamin D through sunlight or food consumption.

Vitamin D supplements or sunlight exposure have proven to positively influence testosterone production within your body without creating harmful side effects or additional problems.

Consultations with a nutritionist or physician are likely the better solution when seeking assistance with supplement intakes than turning to tobacco products for this goal.  Given the risk of cancer and dying early with long term cigarette smoking, it clearly has a net negative impact on your overall health and longevity.

What Will Happen If I Quit Smoking?

Quitting cigarette smoking has many health advantages, including improved sexual and reproductive well-being, reduced risk of cancer, and the reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, among others.

Studies show that quitting cigarette smoking will likely improve semen quality to that of someone who never smoked prior.

Overall, it is never too late to restore sexual and reproductive health, even if you've been an avid heavy smoker for an extended period. Its positive consequences, such as improved semen quality, will quickly outweigh this minor and temporary metabolic change.

Testosterone levels will surely rebound over time with healthier lifestyle decisions and ceasing smoking habits!

Does Weed Lower Testosterone Levels?

Differing data regarding the effects of smoking weed on testosterone levels makes determining its true impact difficult. While some studies indicate a slight drop in testosterone levels upon smoking pot, others indicate it could have the opposite impact and increase testosterone production.

But as there's no firm evidence connecting marijuana and significant changes in hormones, people using cannabis must also be mindful of potential risks related to smoking the herb - including respiratory conditions, cognitive impairment, and addiction.

Research warns users to use marijuana with extreme care, indicating its hormonal side effects could depend on various factors, including frequency of usage, potency level, and personal lifestyle habits.

Other research emphasizes the significance of fully considering any health risks related to marijuana smoking before engaging in its consumption. At the same time, studies on its effect on testosterone levels or other hormone levels remain inconclusive.

Naturally Increasing Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays an important role in male physiological processes and development during adolescence, including increased muscle growth, deeper vocal tones, and hair growth.

Testosterone serves many vital roles, from sexual development and reproduction, muscle mass, strength, visceral fat deposition, sex drive, blood sugar regulation, to overall body wellness maintenance. Maintaining ideal levels throughout adulthood is vital to guarantee good overall health and general wellness.

There are various natural ways to increase testosterone levels, which include exercise and diet changes, taking certain supplements/herbs/pills/nutritional support/antioxidant agents/dietary aids/medicines, as well as managing stress levels, getting ample sleep time, and avoiding certain environmental triggers.

Regular exercise, such as weight lifting, can be especially helpful in increasing testosterone. Resistance training can produce an acute increase, with peak levels occurring approximately one-hour post-exercise.

Dietary modifications that reduce sugar intake while increasing consumption of healthy fats such as avocados, olives, or fish oils help restore hormone balance and strengthen our bodies overall.

Utilizing natural products such as Ashwagandha root extract, Tongkat Ali, and Fadogia Agrestis may aid in increasing the production of this hormone.

To Finish

Although studies suggest that the link between smoking could potentially benefit testosterone levels, their risks far outweigh any possible benefits.

Smoking cigars is a dangerous habit that should be eliminated in favor of healthier lifestyle choices that support overall well-being and vitality — your body will thank you!

Wellcore provides a comprehensive guide for everyday men and women looking to increase their testosterone levels and enhance overall hormonal wellness.

With our expert guidance and support, making informed health benefits and well-being decisions will become simpler than ever.


Join millions of men and women who are improving their health by ordering the Wellcore At-Home Assessment Kit today.

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